
Showing posts with the label philosophy

My Blood and I (30 days of poetry: day 16)

  Prompt: 16) Blood My blood and I are so alike, That I should have a bloody name; But to the common, this absurdity, Needs to be explained. In my body my blood boils, Flows and runs through my veins: Just the way bubbling thoughts, Pop in and out off my brain. If I'm too happy ever, You'll see my cheeks and ears: Redden at the incoming wave Of rosy and gay front row viewers. But if my finger's pricked, The raging blood oozes out, And in the harsh world outside: It clots and freezes in a drop. In a parallel path I see, What struggles out through my teeth: The dried up carcass of some words— My ideas strangled at birth! Author’s thoughts ‘My Blood and I’ is a poem about the similarities I find between myself and blood. It’s an attempt to step away from overused metaphors and subverting expectations about a poem about the prompt “blood” while experimenting with a style of poetry I haven’t consciously tried before. I have a gig on Fiverr where I’ll write a poem for you on any ...

Life (30 days of poetry: day 15)

  Prompt: 15) Attitude My attitude towards life is simple: It's the time between birth and death— A sequence of events from your first cry, All leading to death; But these moments are what count: What you choose and what you don't; Your attitude towards all that comes your way, Your attitude towards the people in your life. Author’s thoughts ‘Life’ is a poem about one’s attitude towards life. I don’t have much to say about this because I didn’t like the poem myself. But as per the disclaimer, I can post bad poems. So, I’m sorry if you’re disappointed because I couldn’t write anything else. I have a gig on Fiverr where I’ll write a poem for you on any topic you want. You can find that gig  here  if you are interested in availing my service. This prompt is given by Trisha Saha.

The Distress of Fame (30 days of poetry: day 14)

  Prompt: 14) Distress The pain and distress you feel, When tumbling down from the hill, Is far greater than when you climbed it. When you climb you have a goal in mind, And then if you stop to look behind: You will be happy at how far you've come. Then the pain in your feet, And the distress of the heat, Will feel like challenges you're going to overcome. But when you've reached the peak, The scent of victory you'll lick: But you forget that there's no way but down. Then you'll trip on an abandoned shoe, And come tumbling down, as if you never flew, You'll scream, terrified. Your hands would try to grab on to: Rocks, branches and anything would do: But they'd all slip because of the sweat on your palms. You'll get caught in thorns and bushes, Try to exert futile pushes, To steady yourself, but alas. Now you've fallen, hurt and pained, And just look at what you've gained: Scratches, bruises and hairline fractures. Author’s thoughts “The Distr...

Oblivion (30 days of poetry: day 12)

  Prompt: 12) Oblivion If there exists: heaven and hell, There should be a place we name: Oblivion,the forgotten one. If heaven is where the good go, And hell where the evil's punished: Oblivion is a place where the neutral rot. If you in your worldly time, Have done no good or done no harm, Oblivion is the place for you. If friends said, scratching their heads, "Yeah, I don't know them very well," Well, friend, you're perfect for Oblivion. There you wouldn't remember your deeds, Just like in the World nobody did: Eternally you'll ask your name from strangers. Author’s thoughts Oblivion is the state of being forgotten. I have seen that there are characters all around us that live without doing any good OR bad. They live only for themselves. I have always wondered where this people went, to heaven or to hell! The idea for “Oblivion” comes from the  Asphodel Meadows  of Greek mythology where souls who haven’t committed significant crimes or got any honour or...

Would you kiss me back? (30 days of poetry: day 11)

  Prompt: 11) Bare I wish I could be like her— Spread myself on the pages: Words would outline my bare silhouette, While the punctuations carved out my features. But, alas! I'm not that bold, Where her bare body is gilded in gold, Mine is flimsy, falling apart, Even with chainmail armour! If I had the courage, or the boldness, To writhe naked in poems and songs, If I kissed you with the barest truth, Would you dare to kiss me back? Author’s thoughts I was quite influenced by Kamala Das’s poetry before writing this poem. The ‘her’ or ‘she’ refers to Kamala Das the poetess herself. She is known for her ‘Literary Striptease’ kind of confessional poetry and ‘Would you kiss me back?’ is primarily a poem about how I’m not bold enough to carry out this confessional mode of poetry. The body in line 5 refers to the personality and experiences of the poetess which she so confidently put to display. In the last four lines, I ‘think aloud’ about what would happen if I had the boldness to displ...

Existence (30 days of poetry: day 10)

  Prompt: 10) Physical Existence is the epitome of physicality, How the supernatural and metaphysical must pity: Our metal blood and our rattling bones, Our sparkling laughter or our gasping moans, The spit in our mouth, smelly and sticky, Our taste buds, that make us this picky; Little moles and freckled constellations, Our hot headed love and infatuations! Author’s thoughts When I was given the prompt ‘physical’, I’ll be honest, I hoped not to have to write on this. But after racking my brains about this, I settled on ‘Existence’ because you cannot really get more physical than existing. Physical beings such as us have many flaws for which the supernatural may pity us. But this flaws mean our existence and thus our physicality proves our existence. I have a gig on Fiverr where I’ll write a poem for you on any topic you want. You can find that gig  here  if you are interested in availing my service. This prompt is given by Suparna Ghosh.