Three Glimpses Into Time (30 days of poetry: day 2)
Prompt: 2) Glimpse
All I caught was a glimpse, today,
A glimpse is all I caught—
Of the dimpled cheeks, messy hair;
Oh! The memories you brought!
I caught a glimpse of us, again,
From the deeper depths of my brain:
We were happy (or so I thought),
We giggled, we danced in the rain!
And the most dangerous glimpse I caught,
Of a future we could've had:
I'm glad you got the courage to leave,
I'm thankful, from the bottom of my heart!

Author’s thoughts
‘Three Glimpses Into Time’ is a poem of heartbreak and moving on from failed love. It is not always possible to understand if one is compatible with the other person. The heart wants what it wants and oftentimes we need our brain to interfere. In this poem, the poetic persona is reminded of their seemingly happy past with their beloved because they catch a glimpse of the beloved in passing. But then, they think of how the future would look like if they’d still be together. They decide, that it was better that the beloved left when they did, because a future without love would be terrible and it was clear now, looking back at their relationship that they had fallen out of love.

I have a gig on Fiverr where I’ll write a poem for you on any topic you want. You can find that gig here if you are interested in availing my service.
This prompt is given by Souradeep Das.
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