
Showing posts with the label metaphor

My Blood and I (30 days of poetry: day 16)

  Prompt: 16) Blood My blood and I are so alike, That I should have a bloody name; But to the common, this absurdity, Needs to be explained. In my body my blood boils, Flows and runs through my veins: Just the way bubbling thoughts, Pop in and out off my brain. If I'm too happy ever, You'll see my cheeks and ears: Redden at the incoming wave Of rosy and gay front row viewers. But if my finger's pricked, The raging blood oozes out, And in the harsh world outside: It clots and freezes in a drop. In a parallel path I see, What struggles out through my teeth: The dried up carcass of some words— My ideas strangled at birth! Author’s thoughts ‘My Blood and I’ is a poem about the similarities I find between myself and blood. It’s an attempt to step away from overused metaphors and subverting expectations about a poem about the prompt “blood” while experimenting with a style of poetry I haven’t consciously tried before. I have a gig on Fiverr where I’ll write a poem for you on any ...