Would you kiss me back? (30 days of poetry: day 11)
Prompt: 11) Bare
I wish I could be like her—
Spread myself on the pages:
Words would outline my bare silhouette,
While the punctuations carved out my features.
But, alas! I'm not that bold,
Where her bare body is gilded in gold,
Mine is flimsy, falling apart,
Even with chainmail armour!
If I had the courage, or the boldness,
To writhe naked in poems and songs,
If I kissed you with the barest truth,
Would you dare to kiss me back?

Author’s thoughts
I was quite influenced by Kamala Das’s poetry before writing this poem. The ‘her’ or ‘she’ refers to Kamala Das the poetess herself. She is known for her ‘Literary Striptease’ kind of confessional poetry and ‘Would you kiss me back?’ is primarily a poem about how I’m not bold enough to carry out this confessional mode of poetry. The body in line 5 refers to the personality and experiences of the poetess which she so confidently put to display. In the last four lines, I ‘think aloud’ about what would happen if I had the boldness to display my experiences and story with the World.

I have a gig on Fiverr where I’ll write a poem for you on any topic you want. You can find that gig here if you are interested in availing my service.
This prompt is given by Trisha Saha.
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