
Showing posts from April, 2021

6 activities to celebrate Earth Day at home🌏

Earth day is a celebration of the world we live in. It is a day created to bring awareness to the Earth and nature. It serves as a reminder that we are responsible for the safe-keeping of the planet for the generations to come. In this article you will find many earth day activities to help you play your part in bettering the world. But first let us delve into the significance of Earth Day. Learn more about Earth Day from the official page. When is Earth Day?  Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April every year. The first Earth Day was celebrated on 22nd April, 1970 following the ravaging oil spill in Santa Barbara in January 1969. Senator Gaylord Nelson was inspired by the student anti-war movement and wanted to infuse the student energy into the emerging consciousness of the public about pollution. He and his co-chair Pete McCloskey recruited an young activist, Denis Hayes, to maximize student support. H